Meet the founders of NCLA Beauty with Voyage LA!

We sat down with Voyage LA to share a few things about NCLA, us, and all things behind the scenes!

A little preview...

Q: We’re always bombarded by how great it is to pursue your passion, etc – but we’ve spoken with enough people to know that it’s not always easy. Overall, would you say things have been easy for you?

A: While we enjoy the journey of entrepreneurship, it comes with the price of a lot of struggles and learning along the way. Aside from the daily – production, planning, and product development, the biggest struggle that we’ve had to overcome is becoming our own. It’s easy to see other brands, other big companies owned by even bigger conglomerates pump out products or have huge successes and get discouraged. As a smaller brand, we’ve had to come into our own at our own pace. It’s important to stay true to our identity and not get derailed. Seeing how many people truly love our products, engaging with our customers, and the awards we’ve received are wins that keep us motivated to create products we know you’ll love. (I’d say this is an important philosophy to go off of even if you aren’t a business owner. Constantly comparing yourself to others won’t benefit you).


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